THE REALITY Ever since Coco Chanel returned from the Riviera looking like a bronzed goddess, the suntan has been the hottest summer accessory. We all associate the season of skimpy bikinis, short shorts and backless dresses with tawny skin—but we also know the health repercussions of too much UV exposure. Hyperpigmentation and melanoma are simply not an option for modern beauties. THE SCIENCE Fortunately, technology has kept up with vanity and there are other resources for those who want to sport a golden glow. Highly effective self-tanning lotions usually contain dihydroxyacetone (DHA), a colorless sugar that interacts with the skin’s top layer and changes its color. Because this interaction occurs with dead cells, the change usually lasts about five to seven days, or as long as it takes for these cells to completely slough off. THE SOLUTIONS At the SkinCareLab Spa, our 60-minute tanning treatment starts off with a total body exfoliation to prime the skin for a smooth and flawless application of self-tanning cream. Or check out the sunless tanning creams we offer in our online store. Tinted foundation and bronzers are another option for realistic color that can be washed off at day’s end. These often contain an added sunscreen that helps protect skin from harmful rays as well as some anti-aging ingredients such as anti-oxidants, growth factors or peptides.
Sunless Tanning Suggestions |